Corporate documents
How to order corporate documents in
While in the other jurisdictions' the company corporate document order is a walk in the park, almost like buying a shirt from an e-shop, the Lithuanian companies require to authorize an individual who can order the documents on the company's behalf. This requires a Power of Attorney. Therefore, while signing up for our Accounting services we will also send the form to appoint one of our colleagues/accountants to be capable to serve you remotely in front of the commercial registry.
We will not charge additionally for the remote orders on the already issued Power of Attorney.
Choose the documents from the list below
Connect with us via email: office@alt-accounting.com
Submit order and contact, and delivery information
(For the first-timers) Sign the Power of Attorney and deliver it to our office(s)
Registry extract, incl. sole shareholder and directors'​ information
Shareholder list with a table and info on the nominal value of shares and no. of shares
List of Ultimate Beneficial owner(s)
Certificate of Lithuanian Tax residency
€35 | €80 | €120 | €180
PDF Registry stamped Notarized Apostilled
Articles of association / Statutes
Last submitted annual report
€35 | €120 | €200 | €280
PDF Registry stamped Notarized Apostilled
Translation services
Per page (LT to EN, vise versa)
Ordering ESI code
€35 /one time
Document delivery
€100 /express courier within EU
€150 /express courier globally
KYC requirements must be passed by each of our customers without exception. For this purpose, we will ask you to share with ALT Accounting MB - a copy of the passport and proof of address from both the Ultimate Beneficial owner(s) and Director(s), and to pass ID liveliness verification.
Prices given above exclude VAT (21%)